A silent jihad is happening around the world and the cause is a fight for globalism. It is silent because the Open Society Foundations (formerly the Open Society Institute) and the foundations established and supported by George Soros and other like-minded, wealthy individuals exploit the causes and plight of others to further their globalist agenda. It is a jihad because their fight is against a world order that has existed since the establishment of the nation-states in the West four and five hundred years ago. Their vision of a one-world government is this: every citizen on planet earth is treated alike, with the same standard of living, the same education, the same housing, the same income, all produced by a single economy and single currency with world market efficiencies. These grand but worn fallacies emerged from the exaggerated marvels of socialism. These globalists manipulate two main causes around the world to exploit societies to their advantage: immigration and race. They use politicians and anarchists to plead the plight of others to foment hatred among the populace for the purpose of societal change. They demarcate perceived wrongs within current social reality and identify actors to change it. Nationalism is a direct threat to their vision of an “open society” thus they use identified racial and immigration injustices as tools to mold the mentality of the average, uninformed citizen and average, uninformed politician to their advantage. The removal of President Trump from office is their immediate goal. They commingle and obscure economic nationalism with ethnic nationalism, which are clearly distinguishable terms. They also use the terms economic nationalism and fascism as having the same meaning. This movement is not a short-term scheme. Their plot envisions a lengthy conspiracy stretched over another hundred years or so.
Desperate Treatment of Races by Each Other
Racial injustice is a prime crisis to exploit. The so-called lingering disadvantages of slavery tug at the heartstrings of liberal Americans. Oppression, lack of proper housing, jobs and education and ostracism are vestiges of slavery. But remember, slavery proliferated for thousands of years in Europe and east Asia before America was ever discovered. African tribes enslaved their rivals and sold their fellow Africans to European slave traders who brought their captives to the New World. Racial injustice existed in the past, there is no doubt. America finally stamped out slavery throughout the world by a civil war in this country 150 years ago. (A new form of slavery exists today- sex trafficking.) The civil rights movement and resultant legislation created a level playing field for race relations. Blacks have become much more affluent and educated and fully immersed in our political and economic systems. Millennials and GenXers do not think in terms of black vs white anymore. Yet anarchists need a cause to exploit.
The militant groups, like antifa, exploit any racial incident in order to further their cause, a falsely concocted notion that nationalism is evil. Their philosophy centers on Marxist and socialist traditions and seek radical change to overcome the capitalist order. The term antifa means simply anti-fascists. To understand the methodology of this current movement, let us first look at the definition of fascism by Merriam-Webster- “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” Another name for fascism is ethnic nationalism. Antifa claims to be against fascism. The globalists and anti-fascist fear President Donald Trump. They dislike his free market, business first/ America first philosophy and have convinced the MSM and alt-left politicians that he is a white nationalist with dictatorial tendencies. Antifa’s dislike and hatred of “nationalism” and the political right, who extols nationalism’s benefits, aligns with the cause of the globalists. The globalists achieve their end without the label of radicals. Their movement only needs radical actors to seek change. Antifa is a pawn of the globalists.
Many claim that the members of antifa are socialists and Marxist, Bernie supporters who live in their parent’s basement. From where did antifa sprout? This Wikipedia article ((Antifa (United States)) may provide some answers. “Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian,[26] anti-capitalist[20][33] and anti-government views,[20] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies.[34] A majority of adherents are anarchists, communists and other socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries,[41] although some social democrats and other leftists adhere to the antifa movement.[41] When Italian dictator Benito Mussolini consolidated power under his National Fascist Party in the mid-1920s, an oppositional anti-fascist movement surfaced both in Italy and countries such as the United States. Many anti-fascist leaders in the United States were anarchist, socialist and syndicalist émigrés from Italy with experience in labor organizing and militancy.[51] Ideologically, antifa in the United States sees itself as the successor to anti-Nazi activists of the 1930s. European activist groups that originally organized to oppose World War II-era fascist dictatorships re-emerged in the 1970s and 1980s to oppose white supremacy and skinheads, eventually spreading to the United States.[50] After World War II and prior to the development of the modern antifa movement, violent confrontations with fascist elements continued sporadically.[52] ... Modern antifa politics can be traced to opposition to the infiltration of Britain’s punk scene by white power skinheads in the 1970s and 1980s, and the emergence of neo-Nazism in Germany following the fall of the Berlin Wall.[42] In Germany, young leftists, including anarchists and punk fans, renewed the practice of street-level anti-fascism.[42] Columnist Peter Beinart writes that “in the late ’80s, left-wing punk fans in the United States began following suit, though they initially called their groups Anti-Racist Action (ARA) on the theory that Americans would be more familiar with fighting racism than they would be with fighting fascism.[42] ... Dartmouth College historian Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, credits the ARA as the precursor of modern antifa groups in the United States.[26] In the late 1980s and 1990s, ARA activists toured with popular punk rock and skinhead bands in order to prevent Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other assorted white supremacists from recruiting.[42][53][54]”
Antifa’s most recent origin in Germany was the result of the merger of East and West Germany and the fight against nationalism and Nazi ideals. In the United States, their cause was racism because nationalism was an unforeseeable future cause. Today, antifa combines the causes of racism and nationalism and falsely identifies economic nationalism with ethnic nationalism. This is how their scheme works. The Soros groups for globalism use antifa as the agitators and antifa uses BLM marches or any other movement for their license to riot. Globalists target and fund an opportunity to exploit a peaceful march of blacks protesting the killing of George Floyd, for example. Then antifa commandeers the protests. Count the number of societal defects to exploit: cops killing blacks, movie moguls raping women, black on white crime, and white on black crime. Other causes they exploit are the WOKE movement, ME TOO movement, Muslim Lives Matter, the Colin Kaepernick movement, white privilege and the LGBTQ movement. Another tactic is to ridicule the use of words like Muslim Islamic terrorists and Chinese Wuhan virus. If you use these words, you are somehow a racist. Notice how they ostracize right leaning groups like Blue Lives Matter, All lives Matter, Christian democrats, nationalists and they turn the MSM and alt left politicians against these right leaning groups. They call for boycotts or firings or outright extortion and bribery when an event triggers them. These militant techniques come from the pages of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals — “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.” Here are a couple of other extremist rules- “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules” and “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” Globalism is the ultimate goal and its movement can easily identify with present day societal defects. Of foremost importance, it is not based on Christian values and ethics. This chaos is done to defeat the economic nationalism President Trump has inspired in America and around the world.
The real fascists of today are entrenched politicians, the so-called swamp. The swamp exists in every nation. Putin and Xi are prime examples. Look at Syria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran. Their dictators exalt nation over the individual and use force to suppress opposition. Fortunately, leaders change in a democracy. The problem with globalism is that some supreme leader must issue the dictates that everyone must follow. Is not that fascism per se, fascism by definition? No dissent in these countries. They often seek racial purity. Remember ISIS. Remember how black Africans were treated in China or how the Uyghurs are imprisoned in China. The EU is falling apart. Great Britain is leaving, Italy is threatening exit and Hungary is always a thorn in the side of the ruling commission of the EU in Brussels. These anti-fascists in the West are fighting against fascism that does not exist in their home countries. Fascism is a pent up issue by the globalists. Fascism and economic nationalism cannot be lumped into the same definition. Economic nationalism has nothing to do with race. America first applies to all Americans. These globalist ideals are failing within the EU but economic nationalism is alive and well in the United States.
Immigration injustice is another prime crisis to exploit. The so-called lingering disadvantages of citizens of poor nations tug at the heartstrings of liberal Europeans and Americans who once colonized these less fortunate countries. Today in the year 2020, a mass migration of people is taking place around the world. Migrants are moving from so-called third world countries to the more affluent industrialized countries. This migration event has been taking place for some time now, maybe starting up to 30 years ago. Why are people migrating? Historically the main reason for migration has been religion. People left their countries and moved to America because she offered the newcomer freedom to practice their religious beliefs. Today religion has become secularized and no one is really concerned about practicing religion much less migrating for that purpose. The silent jihad is about economics. Emigrants from Muslim nations are overwhelming the European nations to the extent that the problem has now become a crisis. The spread of Islam may not be their primary objective but the Muslims force cultural change on their hosts and the host country’s former Christian identity becomes weakened. The Central and South American migrants into the United States are mostly Christians; therefore, their migration is not based on religion but an invasion just the same. If the reasons for migration are not religious, the only other explanation must be economic. People move for financial reasons. But why do so many people leave Africa for Europe. One reason may be that jobs are more plentiful in Europe than in Africa. The same logic holds for American and Central and South America. Another major reason is the free economic benefits the Europeans and Americans provide to these migrants. Many European countries provide monthly stipends and free medical insurance. Why would people not migrate when such free giveaways are handed out without a reciprocal work requirement? The United States supplies similar giveaways. She provides food stamps, Medicaid, free schooling, housing assistance, utilities assistance, free daycare and earned income tax credits. These giveaways advance the illegal immigration cause of the globalists but many citizens of these invaded countries have had enough, thus the rise of economic nationalism.
The globalists create an invasion of European countries by Muslims under the pretense of economic solidarity. They are sent across the Mediterranean and through Turkey with their journey financed by Soros funded NGOs. Why not go to other wealthy Muslim countries? The process is similar in the United States. These wealthy countries, Western Europe and America, create a draw for the have-nots. If we take in every poor person from Central and South America, our country collapses. If Europe takes in every displaced Middle Easterner because of their wars, Europe collapses. Economic nationalists are opposed to these silent jihads supported by leftist groups and their organizations. Here is a list of NGOs composed by the United Nations. https://refugeesmigrants.un.org/list-approved-ngos-and-csos Some pro-migration NGOs in Europe include the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), Caritas Germany, Doctors without Borders, Save the Children, Watch The Med, W2EU (short for ‘Welcome to Europe’), SOS Méditerranée, Sea Watch, Life Boat Project, Sea Eye, Jugend Rettet in Germany, Boat Refugee in the Netherlands, and Proactiva Open Arms in Spain. Hundreds of others exist, many supported by Soros. Here is a list of Soros funded groups by his Open Society Institute for the year 2015 https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/uploads/cd6e5010-c2d2-4938-b3d6-058b896f6877/open-society-initiative-for-europe-2015-20170424.pdf . Here are a few Soros funded groups in America: Media Matters for America, Center for Public Integrity, Human Rights Watch, Priorities USA Action, American Bridge 21st Century, America Votes, Millennium Promise, Tides Center and Foundation, United we Dream, RAICES, Alianza, International Migration Initiative, DREAMers, Moveon.org, CASA de Maryland, the Center for Popular Democracy, Make the Road New York, People for the American Way, Vera Institute, Doctors Without Borders, Southern Poverty Law Center, Foundation to Promote Open Society, Center for American Progress, Free Press, National Hispanic Media Coalition, and Color of Change. George Soros promotes a globalist agenda of open borders by openly supporting illegal migration. He exploits economic nationalism by falsely claiming and misidentifying the phenomena as ethnic nationalism. Ethnicity excites and ignites the sentiment and hatred of antifascists, therefore anarchy happens.
Marxism and socialism are not the answers to poverty around the world and will never become the answer. We will always have the poor among us. Free giveaways burden everyone, even the ones on the receiving end. Someone must work to produce the goods we need to survive and thrive. In addition, these goods will never be distributed evenly in socialist societies. Democracy and free enterprise will always be the answer for free, prosperous peoples of the world to survive with dignity. We will never live in a utopian society where treatment of the races by each other will become perfect. Nor will allowing illegal immigration into wealthy, western countries solve the problems of the peoples left behind. Economic nationalism benefits everyone in America: blacks, whites, Latinos and Asians. Our free enterprise system and Christian principles provide continuity and stability. Without them, this country and our way of life will not survive. You do not want to see the results of radical change in Western Europe and America.