Does your world rap around yourself pretty tightly? Do you think that you are ‘all that plus a bowl of butter beans?’ Well, maybe you should look to the stars for a little reality (and soul searching.) Think about this. The universe (the entire charted and uncharted region of outer space) is composed of galaxies. These galaxies are huge clusters of stars (huge globs of radioactive energy) rotating around a black hole. Scientist estimate that there are 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Within each galaxy, there are billions of solar systems, a group of planets (huge globs of rock or ice) revolving around a star. Our solar system has no particular name except that Earth, a planet, revolves around the Sun, a star. Here are eight planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Our little solar system is located within one of these two trillion galaxies. Scientist predict that our Milky Way galaxy contains about 100 billion stars (suns.) The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy type so it has arms sort of like an octopus with its arms rotating clockwise around a center. Our Sun does not lie near the center of our Galaxy. The Sun is located near the outward tip of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. This makes Earth about 28,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way, our galactic home. The ancients thought that our galaxy, the Milky Way, was the whole of the known universe. They only saw the shining stars within our galaxy with the naked eye or with crude telescopes. And our Earth, so they thought, was the center of this vast group of stars, all of which were rotating around us on Earth. So when you decide to set yourself free, free from the warped little world you have created for yourself, go outside one starry night to confirm that you are but a grain of sand on the beaches of this world.
Aren’t you tired of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community’s attempt to impose their depraved mentality on our culture? They parade around the world accusing anyone who disparages and opposes their lifestyle as racist and homophobic. They infiltrate our elementary, middle and high schools with curriculums validating sexual promiscuity. They attempt to convince our children that it is ok for girls to become boys and boys to become girls. They convince college kids and their professors that the conservative and Christian middle class frowns upon and discriminates against them. They invade our churches and create scandal by molesting children and demand that they become pastors and the right to marry. They take over the girl scouts and boy scouts and promote gay lifestyles and abortion. I for one have had enough of this charade. Please don’t impose your sexual immorality and depravity on me or my children and grandchildren. If you desire people of the same sex or if you feel that you are driven to change your gender, do it on your on time and within the privacy of your home, but don’t try and impose your sexual dysfunction on your neighbor. Google it.
Stupid dems can declare all the emergencies on guns that their cold hearts desire. The 2nd amendment, which protects the right to carry, trumps any emergency declaration on guns that some puffed up dem president may declare. A border emergency and gun rights are two completely different animals. The constitution does not protect open borders and illegal immigration. The courts will never allow a president to take away our guns under emergency declaration authority granted to him/her by congress when that right is protected in the constitution. Such nonsense is fake news designed to scare the public.
Kent MayeuxHusband, Father, Grandfather, Lawyer, Aspiring Writer and Apologist.(And Retired!) Archives
July 2021
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