Imagine this scenario. According to the Bible, God took six days to create the entire universe. He started by creating light and darkness (day 1), then the heaven (day 2), then elements, land and seas (day 3), then the stars and everything that exists in the universe (day 4), then living plants and birds and sea creatures (day 5) and then finally land animals and humans (day 6). On the seventh day He rested. Adam and Eve were created last. These six creation events for God were each separated by three billion years. The Bible says that a day for God is like a thousand years, a very long time. Every three billion years (a day for God), God decided to create something. Therefore, when God got to the land animals on the sixth day, the last three billion year period, he got carried away and created dinosaurs. They were too ferocious for His liking so God decided to kill them off with a huge meteor impact to earth 66 million years ago. This last extinction event is the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction, a sudden mass extinction of three-quarters of the plant and animal species on Earth. The only things to survive were sea turtles, crocodiles and a few plants according to scientists. During God’s last creation period of the sixth day, only recently in God’s time, He created humans after the last extinction event. We humans are somewhere between two hundred fifty and three hundred thousand years old, a blink of an eye for God. Another point of agreement between scientists and theologians under both theories of evolution and theology is that humans were created last. To aid in the proof of the biblical story, please answer this question. How did the Israelites know some three to five thousand years ago when they composed the bible that humans were created last?
Please give me a moment. Let us examine these facts for a minute. Sixty-six million years ago, all of the elements existed from the Big Bang, an oxygen-filled atmosphere enveloped the earth, the earth’s oceans existed, the earth revolved around the sun, our moon revolved around earth, the universe existed with its billions of galaxies and dinosaurs roamed the earth in peaceful certitude. Thousands of life forms existed and pretty complex forms of life. Have you ever been around crocodiles? I have not, but I have been around my share of alligators, a close cousin. They are ferocious beasts. Dinosaurs mysteriously disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous Period, around 66 million years ago. Scientists believe that a giant asteroid with a diameter of about 10 miles (15 km) struck the Yucatán peninsular in Mexico. Dust and gases in the atmosphere darkened the sun severely lowering global temperatures causing the dinosaurs to starve and freeze to death. (Can you believe that turtles and alligators are over 66 million years old?) If complex animals and plant life already existed, why, for some strange reason, had humans not evolved yet? Why did it take 65 million years from the Cretaceous extinction event for humans to develop while turtles and alligators were running around on the earth during this 65 million year interlude? In fact, humans hadn’t evolved through a number of extinction events, the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago, the Jurassic extinction event 199 million to 214 million years ago, the Permian extinction event 251 million years ago, the Devonian extinction event 364 million years ago, or the Ordovician–Silurian extinction events 439 million years ago. Why didn’t dinosaurs evolve again after the last extinction event 66 million years ago? Instead, giant zoo animals appeared with species like the woolly mammoth, giant sloth and sabre-toothed cat (megafauna) and then they went extinct. (Where were the mega-humans?) A strange event caused a rapid replacement of the giant megafauna with a smaller version of the same species across the entire world, animals that we see today. During this replacement period, humans migrated out of Africa. I think it odd that humans evolved from apes only recently. Forgive me, but I, for one, was not a monkey swinging from tree to tree who eventually dropped my tail to walk upright on my hind legs. I would have rather evolved from an alligator. At least I could claim a very ancient, distant cousin. As for the future, I think maybe humans will evolve into aliens. Joe Biden has been looking into UFOs lately!