Listen to what Ignatius of Loyola says about spirits. For those of you who are advancing toward salvation, i.e., you have been forgiven your sins and humbled yourself such that you have taken on the yoke of Christ, the two spirits, the good and the evil, attack you in different degrees The good spirit invades your soul quietly and you progress with fortitude and temperance, and the evil spirit attacks with noisy and obvious events. But those of you who are headed the wrong way, i.e., toward your destruction (hell), the evil spirit invades you quietly, as if you were walking into your own home through an open door. The good spirit attempts to notify you with violent alerts and distractions, yet you refuse of observe and take heed. your destruction or salvation is carried forward in direct proportion that the disposition of your soul is like or unlike either spirit.
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When you pray to God, do you realize that you are praying to Jesus and the Holy Spirit also? Your communion with God is complete when the Spirit resides in you. We don’t have the persons of God or the Son living within us; they reside in Heaven. But we do have the Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, living within us, if we let Him in. The Spirit of God, this free gift of God’s grace, activates your soul. It gives your soul life. God gave His life for us so we must surrender our soul to Him to receive the Spirit. Pray to receive the Holy Spirit in your life. Come Holy Spirit. The Spirit will create a love for others in you just as Jesus loved. The reason is because it is the Spirit of Jesus living within you. You have God living within you when you accept the intruder, the Spirit. He comes to vanquish death and give you new life, an eternal life with the Father. How amazing is that? My heart pounds with excitement when my mind acknowledges the Spirit within me. I get excited to know that I love all persons, black, white, red, brown, fat, skinny, short or tall. I love their souls. They may not have been perfected of the Spirit, but they, their souls, were a gift of God. Individual souls may have blemishes and spots, character defects, serious flaws, but a person living in the Spirit overlooks these “sins” of others and loves the “sinner”.
Kent MayeuxHusband, Father, Grandfather, Lawyer, Aspiring Writer and Apologist.(And Retired!) Archives
July 2021
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