A Protestant preacher once told me that he disliked Jews because their God was not the same God as the God we Christians worship. He implied that the reason for his dislike was the blame he placed on the Jews for the death of Christ. But I asked him how many Gods are there? Isn’t the God of the Jews the same God of us Christians, I asked? (I will not bring into this equation the question of the God of the Muslims.) My answer to the dilemma is simple and Protestants confirm my logic on a daily basis. There can be only one God and He is the God of all of humanity. My reasoning is straightforward. Protestants systematically use the Old Testament in their preaching every day. And the God of the Old Testament was and still is the Jewish God. The Old Testament was composed and propagated by the Jews for 1000 years before Christ. And although Christ existed and may have been referenced a number of times in the Old Testament, Christ had not yet appeared in human form. But God in His omniscience and foreknowledge sent a part of himself into humanity at the perfect time in human history. God knew that the destiny of the Jew was to kill His Son. But God also knew that the Jew would soon be in diaspora. Within 40 years after the death of Christ, a new religion was founded by God Himself and the Jews were dispersed to the four corner of the world by the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. This new religion, then recognized through revelation, that God as a trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit, had accomplished for humanity what humans could not achieve through the Jews. God conquered sin and death. But because we are humans, schisms developed. First the Muslims created a break from Christian and Jewish orthodoxy in 630. Then the Catholics underwent schism between the Orthodox and the Roman Rite in 1054. The final schism occurred within the Roman Rite in 1521 with the Protestant Reformation. Now Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims pray to and worship the one, omnipotent God in different ways. But our father, God, has remained one and the same for eternity.
“[L]eftism is an emotion,” said Dennis Prager. “It’s not a position. And so, they so loathe that anybody is richer than anyone else; that it is better that everyone suffer at a low level than everyone be improved…” This emotionally charged “fake righteousness” of the left pretends to care for the less fortunate in our society. They empathize with the downtrodden and the fringe of main stream America only to cobble together a voting base. Leftism is not based on an economic theory, except maybe big government and more taxes, if you can call that a theory. They believe that big government should provide all the answers, regulate all areas of the economy and use taxes on the rich as a penalty to redistribute to the lazy and inefficient. Only problem, if you tax the rich into non-existence, where do you get tax revenues? Leftism (liberals) tends to drift toward the traditions of socialism and Marxism. But they shy away from these labels and brand themselves as progressives. So today, progressive is a synonym for liberal; liberals began the name change during the Reagan years when Reagan managed to disparage the term to the point that liberals became ashamed of the moniker. (Liberals today are not aligned with the tenants of the original progressive movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s.) Rightism, for a better term, traditionally espouses the economic theory of laissez-faire - “Let (people) do (as they choose).” Also called captialism, it describes an economic system that opposes regulation and interference by the government in private and economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary to allow the free enterprise system to operate according to its own laws. The most basic of its laws is that of supply and demand. It encourages entrepreneurship and job creation through the private sector. A true free market applies to every industry and service and each sector is burdened with the least amount of government involvement. Risk takers in business and industry get rewarded and, as a by-product, provide the jobs and income to the workers in the system who decide not to take risks. An efficient, market-driven, economic engine provides security to the working man and business leaders. A rising tide floats all boats. Some called it trickle-down economics as a pejorative label implying that the poor only got the crumbs. The poor will always be among us, however.
Charles Fourier in the 1830s was a French philosopher and one of the founders of utopian socialism. His theory alleges that society as a whole (later government), should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members. All of humanity would be equal financially, morally and politically, a kind of heaven on earth. Society would worship the state, not a fictional God. Its utopian members cannot be good socialists without being good atheists; otherwise the members are not true to either cause. Some would even say that Jesus was the first socialist because his disciples often sold all of their possessions and contributed the proceeds into a community “pot,” shared equally by all based on need. Socialism is a big brother to Marxism, a movement espoused by Karl Marx in the 1860s and 1870s. Marx championed an equal redistribution of resources to members of society. Marx declared that religion was an “opiate of the people.” In other words, religion was a medicine which tranquilized the fears and disappointments of the poor and working class. Both theories frown on capitalism, where the risk taker is rewarded in direct proportion to the amount of risks he/she takes. Socialism promotes laziness. If I know I am going to be given the same as the next man, why should I do anything extra or any more work than I have to. Socialism is similar to the economic lesson taught by Christ by the vineyard owner. The owner sought workers in town for his vineyard in the morning, at noon and later in the day. When it came time to pay the workers, he gave them all the same amount of pay. The early works complained that they should have been paid more than the late comers, who worked for only an hour or two. Although Jesus’ lesson was about salvation, it was a good economic lesson on socialism and a perfect pitch for capitalism. Doesn’t the story express the idea of socialism very well? Who determines how much money is enough for each worker? Who forces the workers to all work the same amount of time with the same amount of energy? And what about those who are not frugal and demand more when their share runs out? Under true socialism, there is no vineyard owner, only the government. And the government cannot tax more and more of the rich to redistribute to the less fortunate since the rich no longer exist under a utopian socialist system. Socialist tendencies create a culture of identity politics by the left. And the elite left refuses to acknowledge that everyone cannot be treated equally under our capitalist system. (Isn’t that an oxymoron, the elite left calling for equality?) Their call words are racist, sexist, homophobe, fascist, anti-Semite, bigot and misogynist. These elite leftists use these terms to foster fear and confusion within society to fawn and mold an identity crisis within their radical base, mostly young people and the super, alt-left, rich elite and Hollywood types. For black-face and illegal migrants, they call it racism – why do these horrible and cruel, rich republicans treat these people the way they do? Building a wall to keep illegal aliens from breaking our laws is somehow racist. We are all immigrants except, maybe, the American Indians. Most Americans praise legal immigration. The elite left use racists like Jussie Smollett to strengthen their cause for continued racial divides. And they allege that Trump and Rosanne are racists until they are blue in the face. They unleash radical leftist on the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville – a rally that occurred amidst the backdrop of a controversy generated by the removal of Confederate monuments (as if the removal of a monument can somehow change our history.) The alt left claims these monuments are a symbol of slavery, yet the Democratic supported slavery and helped start the Klu Klux Klan. With this confusion, black youths are ashamed of their history and have lost their cultural identity. Yet the elite left says nothing about ‘black lives matter’ or Antifa’s racism and bigotry. They portray them as fighting an enemy who, in reality, is concocted from within. Many of the elite socialist embrace Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, even Obama worshiped Farrakhan. Yet the new socialist elite hate Jews and disparage the hateful Right who call extreme, Muslim, jihadist terrorists. The elite leftists also want to remove nativity scenes and the Ten Commandments from public places because these symbols discriminate against satanists, Muslims and atheists. And they want to erase our historical reliance on Judeo-Christian ethic because that discriminates against homosexuals and abortionists. The elite left criticizes the Catholic Church for not recognizing gay marriage and for not allowing women to become priests. So the church and all its members are labeled homophobes and anti-feminists according to the elite left. The protestant church is in a constant state of schism. It was born from schism and its children are schisms. They take on more and more atheistic views. The elite left never embraces religion. Why is that? Religion exposes their deformity and sheds light upon their intent to divide. Look what the elite left accomplishes with these emotional rants – division and identity politics. These identity groups are being repressed by the elite left for their own political survival. And the sad thing is that the poor, downtrodden and shunned are unaware that their own fake cheerleaders are the direct cause of their repression, championing socialism as a saving political and economic pariah. The elite, socialist left cares for no one but for themselves. And destroying capitalism and religion is the ultimate coup of the elite, leftist radicals because without religion and without a free-market, capitalist system, they become the power brokers and the rule makers. Can you see that they have no respect for equality, neither financially or politically? Who would govern the masses, the nobility of the elite left? The need for a Congress in the United States has disappeared. Congressional committees now spend their time investigating the opposing party. Legislation is drafted in a back room by leadership and not given a public hearing. Why do we need these clowns? They claim Trump is becoming a dictator when, in fact, Trump is doing his job – executing the laws. Congress is the real dictator, thus the need for term limits.
Godless men and women are perverting our social fabric today through outlandish political statements. These atheists appeal to racist, homophobic, bigoted and misogynistic fears within society. The Godless can only criticize, condemn and complain because they have nothing positive and constructive to offer the electorate. Alt left political positions are immoral because they are not grounded in the Judeo-Christian ethic. They jeer at the Christian conservatives because they are ashamed at the depravity to which the alt left and democrats have succumbed. They seek to kill babies all the way to the point of expulsion from the womb. They favor perverted and discredited social and political realities which have proven not to withstand the historically Christian political foundations such as illegal immigration (law breaking), homosexuality, socialism, radical Islam and communism. And they get away with this fraud and deception by labeling the Christian conservatives as racist, homophobic, bigoted and misogynistic when they (the Godless), in fact, perpetuate these vices through their own participation. They are Godless men and women. Saint Jude described them perfectly. “Such men sneer at the things they cannot understand; like the brute beasts, they derive knowledge only from their senses, and it serves to corrupt them.” Jude 10. Hell has an especially hot place for the Godless.
Kent MayeuxHusband, Father, Grandfather, Lawyer, Aspiring Writer and Apologist.(And Retired!) Archives
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