Do you realize that you could have ended common core, even closed the Department of Education, funded the wall, put in place a permanent budget for the military, defunded grants to sanctuary cities and States and a whole host of your other campaign promises. Instead you have allowed Chuck Schumer to filibuster all of your goals. He and the Democrats are laughing at you. Eight votes in the Senate have blocked your agenda. And Mitch McConnell is taking part in this charade through the filibuster rule. This rule is preventing a majority of citizens through their duly elected Congressmen to have their will enacted. And you even appointed McConnell's wife as a Department head. Have you read lately (Peter Schweizer’s new book, Secret Empires) that McConnell, through his wife's family, has huge financial ties to the Chinese communist government? Threaten to cut McConnell's money train and he will eliminate the filibuster rule. You may have only nine month left to act or you will surely become a lame duck if things do not go well in November. Don’t buy the bait that the Democrats will use the elimination of the filibuster to run roughshod over Republicans. That can only happen if they ever gain control of both chambers and the presidency, all at the same time. We are (were) counting on you.