The field in this parable is the world in which we currently live. The enemy, the evil one, sows weeds into the world, lost individuals who spew nothing but vile in their sphere of influence. We the workers, are currently living amongst evil people, representatives of the devil. Just as the Lord said that there will always be poor people among us, so will there always be evil people among us. The Kingdom will not be rid of the evil until harvest time, the second coming of Christ. Christ, at harvest time, will separate the wheat from the weeds. The weeds will burn in Hell and the wheat will be stored in Heaven. Are you wheat or weed?
Christ told many parables. He spoke in parables, I guess, so that we humans could understand his message. We all know about the parable of the sower of seeds. The seeds are the word of God and depending on the man who receives them, the yield can be fruitful. Then Christ describes the Kingdom of God. We are presently living in the Kingdom of God on this earth right now. Christ is the landowner. The landowner sows good wheat seed but while he slept, an enemy came and sowed weeds in the landowner’s crop. When both the weed and wheat matured, the workers wanted to remove the weeds before harvest, but the landowner said wait till harvest time because weeding the field in the growing season would disturb the wheat. At harvest the weeds will be pulled first and burned then the wheat will be harvested and taken into the barn.
The field in this parable is the world in which we currently live. The enemy, the evil one, sows weeds into the world, lost individuals who spew nothing but vile in their sphere of influence. We the workers, are currently living amongst evil people, representatives of the devil. Just as the Lord said that there will always be poor people among us, so will there always be evil people among us. The Kingdom will not be rid of the evil until harvest time, the second coming of Christ. Christ, at harvest time, will separate the wheat from the weeds. The weeds will burn in Hell and the wheat will be stored in Heaven. Are you wheat or weed?
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Why do you sin? Is it the evil within you? Or is it your desires not fully controlled? Or is it a desire for things you do not have but want? We surely can make a mess of things when we let our thoughts lead us to actions which are not based on “good.” Let’s take a desire for money as an example. We may have this burning desire to accumulate wealth. We think of all the things that others have that we don’t have. We begin to dwell on this disparity every day and begin to wonder how good it would be if we had just a few of these things. We fall asleep by picturing ourselves in a brand new car or sitting by a swimming pool with a cocktail. Then we begin to get glimpses of others with these things on TV or in real life and we place ourselves in these scenes. We begin to act out a life with money in our minds. We begin to affirm that such pursuits are good and pleasing. We come to the point where we have convinced ourselves that we must have them, we must bring fantasy into reality. We then begin to develop schemes whereby these plans can be put into action. I could steal the money, rob a bank, shake down a friend, borrow without the intention of paying it back or any scam. We finally come to the point where our desire for the things money can buy overpowers us and we take action. We do the things we planned thinking that they are permissible. Then we find ourselves in trouble with God and the Law and we eventually come to the realization that these things did not bring the happiness that our feeble minds imagined from the beginning. We fall into sin. Our lives are made up of a combination of these thoughts at different stages for any of a number of desires: money, sex, food, alcohol, love, authority, pornography. Control your thoughts and you will control your actions.
Don't you love to hear Christians talk about the phrase "the Bible alone." These Christians tend to repel from tradition, the oral and written transmission of theology. I personally think that people avoid tradition because they may be surprised at what they may find there. For the sake of this brief blog spot, lets avoid tradition and look at history. Do you realize that if you were a Christian and lived between the death of Jesus and about 1500 A.D., you would have been a Catholic (Muslims and Jews are not Christians)? Does that one piece of history not give you concern? The bible had been composed and set in stone for over 1500 years. Protestant interpretations of the bible did not materialize until the lives of Martin Luther and John Calvin among others. Isn't it amazing that the phrase "the Bible alone" appeared right after their deaths. If you don't want to read tradition, read history. History will reveal to you that the discovery of the New World, the invention of the printing press and a German revolt against the Holy Roman Empire created Protestantism, a man-made religion. This "freedom of religious expression" flourished in America and morphed into the 30,000 or so different groups of believers we call Christians today. God weeps.
Kent MayeuxHusband, Father, Grandfather, Lawyer, Aspiring Writer and Apologist.(And Retired!) Archives
July 2021
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