<![CDATA[The  New Evangelization - Blog]]>Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:38:21 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Have you ever been around crocodiles?]]>Fri, 30 Jul 2021 17:57:43 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/have-you-ever-been-around-crocodiles​     God exists in a transcendent domicile beyond our current universe. Our current universe is expanding and scientists claim that we are getting closer and closer at seeing the edge of creation with the Hubble telescope. The James Webb telescope may provide more answers. We are seeing creation and reproduction as it is currently taking place. The universe is expanding as a shape of a three dimensional sphere. Galaxies at the edge of the universe are moving away faster from the center than galaxies nearer the center of the universe. Into what is the universe expanding?  Another fundamental law of nature is that when a substance or material increases in volume, the increase displaces another substance or material. Our universe, a chaos of conflict within the elements, is overtaking unity. Our universe is expanding into God’s domicile.  God’s domicile is perfected harmony. God’s domicile is God Himself in perfect harmony and unity.  Imagine God as a wide, invisible line, a space that is moving in both directions forever (infinitely).  Our universe in which we live and the time since its existence is one tiny dot on that line in God’s time. Existence can be compared to a heart monitor in a hospital that never, ever loses power.  God is the line that is produced by the heartbeat monitor.  Each heartbeat is represented by a variance in the line that forms a peak and returns to the original line.  Our universe is one peak from valley to valley on that line. Our universe was created and humanity will live and die within a single heartbeat of God. God is so infinitely large that He could have very well created other, complete universes besides our own within His domicile that have come and gone, of which we are not even aware.  
     Imagine this scenario. According to the Bible, God took six days to create the entire universe.  He started by creating light and darkness (day 1), then the heaven (day 2), then elements, land and seas (day 3), then the stars and everything that exists in the universe (day 4), then living plants and birds and sea creatures (day 5) and then finally land animals and humans (day 6). On the seventh day He rested. Adam and Eve were created last. These six creation events for God were each separated by three billion years. The Bible says that a day for God is like a thousand years, a very long time.  Every three billion years (a day for God), God decided to create something.  Therefore, when God got to the land animals on the sixth day,  the last three billion year period, he got carried away and created dinosaurs.  They were too ferocious for His liking so God decided to kill them off with a huge meteor impact to earth 66 million years ago. This last extinction event is the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction, a sudden mass extinction of three-quarters of the plant and animal species on Earth. The only things to survive were sea turtles, crocodiles and a few plants according to scientists. During God’s last creation period of the sixth day, only recently in God’s time, He created humans after the last extinction event.  We humans are somewhere between two hundred fifty and three hundred thousand years old, a blink of an eye for God. Another point of agreement between scientists and theologians under both theories of evolution and theology is that humans were created last.  To aid in the proof of the biblical story, please answer this question.  How did the Israelites know some three to five thousand years ago when they composed the bible that humans were created last?
     Please give me a moment. Let us examine these facts for a minute.  Sixty-six million years ago, all of the elements existed from the Big Bang, an oxygen-filled atmosphere enveloped the earth, the earth’s oceans existed, the earth revolved around the sun, our moon revolved around earth, the universe existed with its billions of galaxies and dinosaurs roamed the earth in peaceful certitude. Thousands of life forms existed and pretty complex forms of life.  Have you ever been around crocodiles?  I have not, but I have been around my share of alligators, a close cousin.  They are ferocious beasts. Dinosaurs mysteriously disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous Period, around 66 million years ago. Scientists believe that a giant asteroid with a diameter of about 10 miles (15 km) struck the Yucatán peninsular in Mexico. Dust and gases in the atmosphere darkened the sun severely lowering global temperatures causing the dinosaurs to starve and freeze to death.  (Can you believe that turtles and alligators are over 66 million years old?)  If complex animals and plant life already existed, why, for some strange reason, had humans not evolved yet? Why did it take 65 million years from the Cretaceous extinction event for humans to develop while turtles and alligators were running around on the earth during this 65 million year interlude? In fact, humans hadn’t evolved through a number of extinction events, the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago, the Jurassic extinction event 199 million to 214 million years ago, the Permian extinction event 251 million years ago, the Devonian extinction event 364 million years ago, or the Ordovician–Silurian extinction events 439 million years ago. Why didn’t dinosaurs evolve again after the last extinction event 66 million years ago? Instead, giant zoo animals appeared with species like the woolly mammoth, giant sloth and sabre-toothed cat (megafauna) and then they went extinct. (Where were the mega-humans?) A strange event caused a rapid replacement of the giant megafauna with a smaller version of the same species across the entire world, animals that we see today. https://www.newsweek.com/ice-age-extinction-megafauna. During this replacement period, humans migrated out of Africa.  I think it odd that humans evolved from apes only recently. Forgive me, but I, for one, was not a monkey swinging from tree to tree who eventually dropped my tail to walk upright on my hind legs.  I would have rather evolved from an alligator. At least I could claim a very ancient, distant cousin. As for the future, I think maybe humans will evolve into aliens. Joe Biden has been looking into UFOs lately!]]>
<![CDATA[Schism]]>Wed, 26 May 2021 19:10:39 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/schism​Dear Archbishop Aquila

I read your letter to the German Bishops with a hope that they will take heed of your words.  But you must know that the decision to defy Church teaching and tradition has already been made.  The radical left/progressive movement has taken over the German Church just as it has taken the Office of Presidency in the United States.  This movement has a different world view than conservatives and they are much more forceful in their pursuits than we conservatives.  The German Church surely must have a conservative branch.  Your only hope at this point is to encourage them to band together and issue their own statements through a separate synod.  We cannot let the Church decide willy nilly to conform to this world without a fight.  If these German Bishops wish to see human depravity codified into Church law, then let them.  We already had one "Reformation" which began in Germany.  Why not a second one?  The devil is surely at work against God's chosen, we Christians.  One only need look at our brothers in Christ, the protestants, to confirm that any attempt to follow present cultural and societal norms can only divide and dismantle religion and our faithfulness to Christ's teaching.  You also must understand that this revolution in the German Church is propped up and supported exclusively by the gay community and the likes of Soros who despise the teachings of the Catholic Church.  I hope you also realize that the Catholic Church has become inundated with homosexual priests who seek same sex marriage and women clergy. This movement also has heterosexual priests who conform to this ideology.  Stand your ground.  Let them break away.  It must be in God's plan.  The faithful will shrink down into a remnant and then Christ will come again. God Bless ]]>
<![CDATA[Forgiveness]]>Tue, 18 May 2021 15:53:01 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/forgivenessKent Anthony Mayeux5 days ago·5 min read
The bible discusses homosexuality only six times says homosexuals defending their relationships. “While the six passages that address same-sex eroticism in the ancient world are negative about the practices they mention, there is no evidence that these in any way speak to same-sex relationships of love and mutuality.” www.hrc.org. Here is a flavor of what the bible has to say about homosexuality.
Leviticus 18:22 — You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination.
1 Corinthians 6:9–10 — Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Leviticus 20:13 — If a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their bloodguilt is upon them.
Romans 1:26–28 — Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper.
1 Timothy 1:9–10 — law is meant not for a righteous person but for the lawless and unruly, the godless and sinful, the unholy and profane, those who kill their fathers or mothers, murderers, the unchaste, sodomites, kidnapers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is opposed to sound teaching.
Jude 1:7 — Likewise, Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
Genesis 19:5–7 — They called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to your house tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have sexual relations with them.” Lot went out to meet them at the entrance. When he had shut the door behind him, he said, “I beg you, my brothers, do not do this wicked thing!
Genesis 1:27–28 — God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and God said to them: Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth.
1 Corinthians 7:2 — because of cases of immorality every man should have his own wife, and every woman her own husband.
Homosexuals also argue that Johnathan, the son of King Saul, was a homosexual partner of King David, a man chosen by God as righteous. I am not quite sure that I believe in that homosexual argument but David surely was a sinner. He is also accused of adultery and murder, yet God showered him with blessings. Why, homosexuals ask, would God bless a man so vile and full of sin if God does not approve of David’s actions. The answer is that God is a loving and forgiving God to his created, but only to those who repent and seek contrition and forgiveness. David sought genuine forgiveness and begged for God’s mercy. In addition, David did not continue in his evil exploits.
Sin is in all of us no matter how holy one perceives himself or herself. We all have varying degrees of sin with which we must cope. Some may commit only venial sins. Some commit mortal sins. Some commit a combination of both. We are all flawed. Yet our loving Father knows of this depravity in man since He is our creator. God even expects these vile actions by His created. However, He has allowed us an out, an escape route if you will. Through the death and resurrection of his son, Jesus, sin in now conquered. The death of sin does not mean that the created will never sin again. Be forewarned, the evil one is still very alive today on this earth. The triumph over sin does mean that we can expiate our sin through confession to our Father in heaven and become free of the ravages of sin each time we sin. Confession must be contrite however with the explicit intent to never commit that particular sin again. God knows your heart and if you are truly sorry for sin, He forgives us because He is a loving Father. Yet many of us continue to commit the same sins repeatedly. Thankfully, God never gives up on us. Herein lies the issue. If someone commits adultery over and over again throughout their heterosexual marriage, are they less depraved than a homosexual couple who has sexual encounters with their significant other three or four times a week? They may be or they may not be. It depends on their state of mind, their acceptance of their sinful actions, their contrition and their sincerity in their request for forgiveness. If they truly believe that their actions are a mortal sin and that if they do not repent they will eventually go to hell, then God forgives. Again and again He forgives. However, if they believe their actions are not sinful or if they ask for forgiveness and continue with the same sins with an unrepentant heart, God does not forgive. Therein lies the paradox. Homosexuals believe that their sexual actions are not sin and the Church must love them and accept them irrespective of what is morally acceptable within Church tradition.
The argument then becomes whether these relationships, homosexual relations between parties of the same sex and adulterous relations between parties of the opposite sex, are based on love. If love is involved, surely these relationships cannot be sinful the argument goes. The Church must love all people, adulterous heterosexuals and sexually active homosexuals. The argument then reverts to an issue of whether these laws against adultery and homosexuality are valid. Can God make laws? Why would God make laws that prevent or discourage actions when love is involved? Is not God a loving God and desires love between his created? The answer is simple. Sex is not love. The bible is replete with definitions of love. In no definition is the word carnal knowledge or sodomy (sex) mentioned. So yes one can commit adultery over and over again and be forgiven just as homosexual acts can be forgiven. Nevertheless, God will eventually give up on the sinner if such actions continue unabated and unrepentant. God is a loving God but he is also a just God. His justice can be harsh during our sinful lives but it becomes extreme at death.
<![CDATA[Pease Be With You]]>Sun, 25 Apr 2021 12:41:02 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/pease-be-with-you​“I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but … I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.  This earthly existence brings nothing but tribulation... backstabbing, pursuits of wealth, pleasure and power, family discord, moral decay.  Thankfully, we have an alternative – Christ who has conquered this turmoil.  Yet to achieve this peace in our earthly existence (mental stability and fortitude) we must deny self (worldly pursuits) and follow the will of God and live in the Spirit with Christ.  
<![CDATA[He is Here]]>Mon, 19 Apr 2021 16:47:04 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/he-is-here​Most recently, since 2010 after a conversion, I gravitated to the Holy Spirit.  I assumed that Christ had come into this earthly world, completed his mission conquering sin and death and returned home to our heavenly Father.  At Pentecost He exclaimed that He would leave the paraclete, wonderful counselor, the Holy Spirit, to sustain us and help us to purify our soul.  I know Jesus lives but I assumed that we need the Holy Spirit to invade our soul and protect us from the wiles of the evil one. I gravitated away from Jesus to the Holy Spirit.  I have failed with my sole reliance on the Spirit.  After much more reading, study and sin, I have come to realize that the Christ is our intercessor and savior.  Although He is the Spirit and Father in the trinity, we do need to pray to Him much more often than I realized.  He is still with us in the Eucharist that we receive at every Mass.  He created the Church.  He sustained the apostles, the saints and fathers of the church.  He is the Word.  He will execute the Fathers final judgment.  He will return. Therefore, I am certain that He is still with us in His risen body just as He reappeared to the apostles after His death. We do not see Him in His natural or divine state.  Nevertheless, He is here. He speaks through the saints, past and present, and He sometimes speaks to us if we but listen. Pray to the risen Christ.
<![CDATA[China has Colonized the Whole World]]>Fri, 22 Jan 2021 19:38:21 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/china-has-colonized-the-whole-world     Colonialization as defined by Lexico: “The action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.” The term derived from Latin by the Romans but the idea has existed from the beginning of time. The Egyptians often captured or enslaved surrounding nations or tribes 5000 years ago. The Israelites captured and took control of the Canaanites. The Greeks and Phoenicians took control of barbarian tribes for agricultural needs over 3000 years ago. Alexander the Great extended Greek authority to India 2500 years ago. The Romans subjugated the whole of the landmass surrounding the Mediterranean Sea 2000 years ago. The Muslims colonized large swaths of the Middle East beginning 1400 years ago and even crusaded into Spain. Let us not forget the actions of Great Britain, France, Portugal and Spain 500 years ago during their period of colonialism. These countries colonized much of the known world. The list of colonial possessions by these countries is excessively long for this article but can be viewed at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonialism. Portugal subdued parts of South America, India and Africa. Spain conquered Mexico, central and south America and once controlled the Louisiana Purchase. The French formed the Louisiana Purchase, and Canada, and colonialized the Caribbean Islands, parts of Africa and parts of Asia. The main colonizer 500 years ago was Great Britain beginning with North America, Australia, large parts of Africa, the Caribbean Islands, India, and parts of Asia. China and Japan were never colonized; however, the British did control Hong Kong for approximately 100 years. China did colonize Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan and Tibet. The United States was a late comer to the colonization phenomena. The United States colonized the American Indians with the help of the French and British, of course, but also Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam. Most nation states freed themselves of their imperialist colonizers by the end of World War II.
Why should we look at the history of colonialism? If colonialization of other peoples existed from the beginning of time, is it a “good” for humanity or an “evil”? Does colonialism still exist today? Let us examine the last question first. Most nation states have freed themselves from their colonizers but there are still countries colonized. Mainly, they are small islands. There are 61 colonies or territories in the world. Eight countries maintain them: Australia (6), Denmark (2), Netherlands (2), France (16), New Zealand (3), Norway (3), the United Kingdom (15), and the United States (14). https://www.infoplease.com/world/world-statistics/how-many-countries For example, the United States controls American Samoa, Baker Island, Guam, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Wake Island. For the most part, world colonization has ended. Most peoples of the world refuse subjugation by foreign powers. The history of independence and freedom provided by the experiences of the United States has cemented the rights of life, liberty and happiness in the human psyche.
     Yet colonization has reared its ugly head again, just under another guise, economic colonization. Ironically, economics has always been the underlying reason behind colonization, but the exploitation was always done by physical occupation. Truthfully, colonization has always had economics as its main purpose. The imperialist powers overtook foreign peoples to drain their wealth and to capitalize on their human productive power. So let us examine the first question. Is colonization a good or an evil? The answer is simple. It is good for the colonizer but evil to those colonized. Traditional colonization always placed those subject to its dictates under some form of physical domination or subjugation. The American Indians are a prime example. Tribes were forced from their lands. Many were massacred. Eventually the Indian population of the United States was forced to live within reservations carved out of their previously owned lands. Colonialism produces humiliation and often a loss of identity. Economic subjugation was a given. Colonizers took land and goods and whatever else they wanted from the subjugated and often by force if necessary.
     The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is Chinese colonialism wrapped in economic warfare. This initiative is classic colonialism minus the physical subjugation. The nation states of the world and those subjugated will not stand for a military invasion and occupation by the Chinese as happened historically by colonizers. However, economic subjugation is more palatable and easily disguised. BRI’s objectives are officially to “promote the economic prosperity of the countries along the Belt and Road, promote regional economic cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations, and promote world peace and development.” https://www.nbr.org/publication/a-guide-to-the-belt-and-road-initiative/. Unofficially, the purpose of BRI is to colonize the entire world. China needs the resources of other countries to fuel its economy, to stabilize its businesses and to improve the livelihood of its people. The United States has been thoroughly colonized by China, economically. China has bought its way into US businesses and stole much of our technology. China allows our greedy corporations to move production overseas to provide wages for the Chinese. US consumers buy these Chinese produced products at elevated prices. The cycle feeds upon itself and perpetuates until whole segments of our manufacturing base is controlled by the CCP. But the Chinese colonization model of the United States, put in place by China for some 25 years now, does not work for smaller economies in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America, thus the need for the BRI. The United States only recently refused to surrender its natural resources, seaports and rail lines, but under-developed countries will eagerly mortgage these resources to China. These poor nations freely mortgage their minerals, fossil fuels, agricultural commodities, forestry and fisheries when enticed with large amounts of capital investment. The Chinese exploit local labor with cheap wages and dangerous working conditions. The Chinese disguise these “capital investments” in the form of loans with exorbitant interest rates. These poor countries are desperate for cash. For example, China lends the poor country hard cash in exchange for a seaport or bauxite mine. When the poor country cannot repay the loan, the Chinese government forecloses on the property and then becomes the owner of the asset. The process is a legal form of colonization. The CCP acquires prized assets within these countries and never has to fire a shot and never has to become burdened with the administration of a foreign government and its peoples. The United States cannot prevent this method of Chinese colonization but we can warn and advise these poorer nations of the intentions of the Chinese. Eventually, these poorer nations will realize that they have become colonized and will find the need to expel the colonizer by force. Of course, a quicker and much easier solution to current world colonization by the CCP is that the citizens of China rise up and shed their communist masters. And to think the Chinese Wuhan coronavirus has given many of us the time to ponder these things.
Kent Anthony Mayeux
Kent is a husband, father, grandfather, retired attorney, writer and aspiring apologist. He wrote five self published books and wrote a blog.]]>
<![CDATA[January 20th, 2021]]>Wed, 20 Jan 2021 21:35:55 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/january-20th-2021Coronavirus Ramblings
Kent Anthony Mayeux
Apr 22, 2020·6 min readMy frequent bouts of melancholy locked between these four walls because of the pandemic allow my mind to relieve its boredom with thoughts one would usually never bring to fruition. Thoughts are things too and deserve our attention once and a while. If we paid more attention to our emotions (the area of our soul where thoughts derive), one might discover that problems, both mentally, physically and financially, are much more easily recognizable and eventually solvable than the burdens continually heaped upon ourselves while running around in this frantic work-a-day world. Coronavirus provides the time to dwell on these figments of our imagination, thoughts, thoughts of love and hate, thoughts of good and evil and thoughts of freedom and confinement. Thoughts materialize from facts, i.e., perceived reality, whether that reality is subjective or objective. Let us examine a few random facts for our reading pleasure, some real and quantifiable and some idiosyncratic and one-sided.
Philosophy was not my favorite class in college. The professor always started the semester from some obscure point within the lineal history of the development of the science of philosophy. The hundreds of years of philosophical thought were hidden from view and the class was lost within a huge dark forest the entire semester on a trail from which we were dropped. Many call philosophy a science but this branch of metaphysical though is more theory than mathematical certainty. In any event I was always more confused about my thoughts of “being” and “from which I came” at the end of the semester than the start. By the time the semester had ended, I was dumbfounded. Philosophy, I imagined, would not be a good major in college and there began my decline in thoughts.
Has anyone ever noticed the hair length of these politicians on TV during the coronavirus? I was recently tempted to get my wife to cut my hair but I remembered how I treasured my long locks to my shoulders in high school. The thought of barbers, back then, frightened me. By my twenties the length gradually grew shorter but with much disdain and trepidation. The older I got the more closely I conformed to societal norms and the barber was eventually trimming my hair above my ears. Now I only get to think about the increasing size of my bald spot and my receding hairline. Oh, how I long for the days of my youth, but the thoughts of those yearnings are for another day. We need to open salons and barbershops. One never appreciates the value of salons until your hair length is unmanageable and there is no one to offer a haircut.
Here is an intriguing thought, the death toll of the coronavirus in China. Trump, during his daily MAGA rally on April 18, 2020, cast doubt on official Chinese figures showing that China has suffered just 0.33 deaths per 100,000 people as a result of the coronavirus. “The number’s impossible,” he said. “It’s an impossible number to hit.” The United States, according to a chart displayed at the briefing, has 11.24 deaths per 100,000 people while France has 27.92 and Spain has 42.81 deaths per 100,000 people. Can China, the epicenter of the Wuhan virus with 1.8 billion people in the country, suffer a death rate of .33 per 100,000 people? That math equals to one person dead out of a group of every 300,000 people. The Chinese coronavirus numbers seem contrived and subjectively manipulated. Could it be possible that China manufactured the virus, and, before it was released, also manufactured a vaccination to keep its death toll low? What an evil thought.
How about this obscure thought. Don’t we always like to think that people are spying on us? Well not really. Such subjective thoughts might classify oneself as cuckoo. Nevertheless, I ponder these thoughts often. We are all familiar with the thought police- Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Google (FAAMG). They track our every move and listen and record all of our conversations. These five companies track every step we take and place we visit. All of this gleaned information is stored in huge databases (the Cloud). They store our locations, our phone calls, our text messages, our email messages, our internet browsing histories, our instant messages, our pictures and recordings, our vacations, our shopping trends, our business travel and even the documents we create. On top of that, they create Apps that access this information and collect information that is even more detailed. At least these companies are “American” companies. In this age of information and disinformation, China and Russia lead the way in influence peddling and attempts at control of our thoughts. What evil thoughts when faced with such a stark reality.
Here is a thought about the internet. Has Information dissemination reached its peak? Unfortunately, for the baby boomer generation, it has only just begun. Tech is turning to 5G. Information will stream wirelessly at a much larger quantity and speed. Millennials and Gen X, Y and Z will experience an immediate future that took 100 years for the boomers to reach. What is next? AI will bring self-driving cars and planes, personal passenger drones, robots to wait on us and clean the house, Wi-Fi TVs connected to the net, phones and laptops connected by texts and more work from home. Thoughts, facts and information have become immediate. Information dissemination is good. But does it come with a cost? Tech has become a drug for our children and they will not live without it. We cannot even imagine what the 6th and 7th generations of wireless communication technology will bring. The Jetsons would be envious. “I’m home! What’s for dinner, honey?” Be grateful for the homes we do have to wait out this horrible invisible enemy. Stay-at-home orders have brought self-reflection and closeness of families and thoughts of love despite the internet.
How about a thought on economics? The coronavirus brought to the fore economic lessons I learned in college. China has gobbled up our entire manufacturing base, even Smithfield Foods, one of the largest meat packing plants in the USA. Moreover, China is closing the plants in the USA because of the coronavirus. Can you think of what China could have done to us if Trump was not as diligent? China stole all of our hi-tech knowledge, China makes all of our medicines and China controls our food supply. China controls just about every aspect of our life and we were completely unaware of the facts before the coronavirus. If our country had drifted into open insurrection and rebellion among our own citizens within our borders because of the Wuhan virus, we may have all been speaking Chinese within the next two years. The economic lesson we must learn from this disaster is that globalism is not the answer. Made in the USA must become more than a slogan but an economic reality. Buy American; avoid made in China, grown in China, raised in China or caught in China. Economic independence may be the difference between freedom and confinement.
A final thought. AOC and other alt left progressives are running around the country and celebrating the closure of businesses due to coronavirus, especially businesses in the oil and gas industry. I can never understand the hatred for United States corporations and small businesses by the left. These progressives deride “corporate greed” and “corporate welfare” as something to despise. I cannot understand the thinking of a liberal. Businesses and corporations provide millions of jobs to Americans. These jobs in turn allow Americans to provide a roof over their head and put food on the table. Who else will provide this sustenance, big government? Communism, where everything is owned and controlled by the government and its dictator, foments hate. Our free economic system allows us to become self-sufficient. It allows us to open our own businesses or seek jobs. In turn, large and small businesses alleviate the need for government handouts. If these progressive “government employees” ever personally created a job, they would understand the importance of the nature of the business employer- employee dynamic. The coronavirus should provide an economic lesson to the progressives, especially the Paycheck Protection Program, but Progressives will always believe in big government, no matter the benefits of American business. Thoughts of going back to my job ring freedom in my mind.
Coronavirus is a thought I would rather forget.
Kent Anthony Mayeux
Kent is a husband, father, grandfather, retired attorney, writer and aspiring apologist. He wrote five self published books and writes a blog.
<![CDATA[Is There a Chosen Race?]]>Wed, 20 Jan 2021 21:31:34 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/is-there-a-chosen-race
Kent Anthony Mayeux
Jun 23, 2020·3 min read
Have you ever examined Ephesians with the distinction of Jew vs gentile in mind? The “saints” Paul addresses in the first chapter are the converted Jews for Christ, chosen “in Christ, before the foundation of the world.” The Jews were the chosen race of God, chosen by the Word at creation. The Jews were the chosen race per the Old Testament. God made covenants with the Jews. God chose the Jews to bring salvation to the gentiles in due time (during His history of the world). The saints in Ephesus and around the Mediterranean were the Jewish apostles and disciples of Christ, those Jews who accepted Christ as their savior. Then Paul distinguished the gentile Ephesians “13 in him you too were called, when you listened to the preaching of the truth, that gospel which is your salvation.” Christ first called the Jews and the Jews called the gentiles. Belief in the gospel and acceptance of the Holy Spirit was the salvation offered to the gentiles. The Jews were always “saved” yet the ones who do not believe in Christ are the remnant. The Holy Spirit was a pledged inheritance of the Jews from the beginning to time. The Jews redeemed their inheritance (Holy Spirit and salvation) by the conversion of the gentiles (the heathens in this world at that time in history.)
Ephesians 2 starts by saying that Christ found the gentiles as dead men, worshiping the devil. Paul says the Jews were also in the company of the evil one “bounded by natural appetites” with a disregard to their birthright i.e. the salvation that God had promised them. Paul acknowledges that God’s gift of Christ offered salvation to Jew and gentile alike. “It is his grace that has saved you; 6 raised us up too.” Paul continues to make distinctions between “us” and “you” i.e. Jew and Gentile. “11 Remember, then, what you once were, the Gentiles.” Before the appearance of Christ, the gentiles were “outlaws from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to every covenant 12.” Christ “is our bond of peace; he has made the two nations one, breaking down the wall that was a barrier between us.” Christ brought all of humanity into the fold of their creator, God. Both gentile and Jew now have access to God through Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Chapter 3 starts with Paul confessing that Christ Himself revealed this plan of salvation by God to Paul. In 4:17 Paul gives his message to the believing Gentiles “I call upon you in the Lord’s name not to live like the Gentiles, who make vain fancies their rule of life. 18 Their minds are clouded with darkness; the hardness of their hearts breeds in them an ignorance, which estranges them from the divine life;… 23 There must be a renewal in the inner life of your minds; 24 you must be clothed in the new self, which is created in God’s image, justified and sanctified through the truth.” “As for debauchery, and impurity of every kind, and covetousness, there must be no whisper of it among you;… no indecent behavior, no ribaldry or smartness in talk;” Paul finishes Ephesians with a command of love between husband and wife and between parents and children through the strength that the Spirit of God provides. Paul does not distinguish between the Jew and gentile of the love God has for them or the love that they must share among themselves.]]>
<![CDATA[Economic Warfare]]>Tue, 05 Jan 2021 21:50:05 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/economic-warfare(Warning-not for snowflakes)
Kent Anthony Mayeux
Published on Medium.com on Apr 5, 2020·5 min read 

The coronavirus has really put me in a tailspin. I sometimes feel like a Kamikaze pilot in WWII. Every so often, I feel like crashing my car into a wall or something. This boredom is mind blowing. Moreover, to think we have another 25 days left of this misery to fuel my hopelessness. Pity the poor soul who lost his/her job and is wondering where the next rent payment will come. Depression can sure be a bitch. But President Trump can do miracles, so he says. Maybe he is our knight in shining armor and will rescue us from our melancholy. I am so much over this coronavirus. The more I see the news on TV, the more I fall into despair and want to go to combat…
What I really wanted to write about is economic warfare. Any time we use the word war, we are in for a dreary subject, but somehow I will try to tie in the coronavirus. (Sorry, my depression just keeps reappearing.) Did I tell you that I hate the Chinese Wuhan virus? (I apologize for the use of racial slurs and derogatory emotions in advance.) China is the country I would like to talk about in this short article. The more I suffer with my discontent between these four walls, the more time I have on hand to think about this pandemic. It rather blows my mind when I sit down and really start thinking about our current plight. The Chinese communist regime is responsible for my gloom. They stole everything else. They just as well steal my happiness too. Do we understand the gravity of the fact that the Chinese communist government controls every fabric of our society? They control our minds with bots on the internet and radio. They control the food we eat, the car we drive and the job we work. They control the drugs we take. We know that China provides the Mexican cartels with all of the ingredients for illegal opioids and fentanyl that kill 60,000 of our children, brothers, sisters, and mothers and fathers a year. We, that is our government, over the last 25 years, have turned a blind eye to their carnage. Maybe we were too caught up in our new houses, new cars, and high fashion romances. Our glitz and glamour probably came from China too.
We suffer from body blows now, but does time heal all transgressions? Probably not. This match is only in the first round. Many people do not like President Trump, but I have to say, he has been a good president, of course, when he is not on the golf course or in the tanning bed. No really, he works like 18 hours a day. Sometimes I wonder how he gives enough time to our first lady, the beautiful Melania. He has built some of the southern wall. He put tariffs on Chinese products and he had a roaring 20's economy. And do not forget the lowest unemployment numbers of all time. Its comparison measure even goes back to biblical time when the old phrase applied, “if you don’t work, you don’t eat.” Then here comes the communist strategists who hide the Wuhan virus from us for a month and a half. Some say the silent killer was manufactured by these schemers and unleashed on the world right during our Christmas holidays and their Chinese new year. Thousands of Chinese, unwittingly or not, were circulating around the globe and bringing the virus with them. Do not believe me, just perform a search on google. One even stood on the street corner in Italy and demanded, “Don’t discriminate.” Well this virus does not discriminate. Can we believe that 100 to 230 thousand people will die of this virus just in the United States alone?
The Chinese have long won economic warfare on our economy. We are now in military warfare. The communist regime cannot stand that President Trump threw a monkey wrench into their economic siege. Are they unleashing the next stage in their war -germ warfare — as revenge? Next, our computers will go down, then our electric grid and then our banking system. Sorry for those little checks we were expecting to mysteriously appear in our checking account. The Chinese will intercept them. We will be stealing for food and shelter. Who cares about money during Armageddon anyway? Do not believe me. I want to suggest that President Trump and his posse had better keep a good eye on that new Chinese aircraft carrier. Remember that little incident in Hawaii about 75 years ago by the Japanese. Eventually we nuked them. Well, this time around, the China commies will not blow us up with nukes because this greedy regime seeks world domination. But rest with peace, they will control our living quarters, our exercise and our sleep. Those five billion warriors of China will swarm on the United States like an angry hive of yellow jacks attacking an unsuspecting interloper. I have been listening to Trump for way to long on the TV. His name-calling is bringing me into the gutter, but those “little raw-frog eaters” pissed President Trump off for screwing with the best economy in all of history. Trump will not forget this mayhem caused by China. You multinational corporations, you are going to have to come home or else. We need to build our own things again, like guns and tanks and rockets and cars and TVs and cell phones (we couldn’t live without them) and computers and houses and just things.
The Chinese have won the warfare on economics. Do the Democrats realize that Trump’s military buildup came at just the right time? Brace for it. Our suffering is not complete. Things will become more disheartening. Moreover, we always thought it would be the Islamic jihadists from the Middle East who would be our final demise. Not to get religious on you here, but the Lord Jesus did tell us not to become complacent for we know not the day or the hour. Instead, we think we know it all yet we know nothing. Someone or something needed to warn us that the Chinese communists are on the march from the Far East. Our distracted attention focused on Clinton screwing an intern, Bush invading Iraq and Obama letting in the Mexicans and Latin Americans through our borders. For twenty-five years, while we have been living in our glass houses, the Chinese communist government has been secretly and intentional waging war upon the economy of the United States. They have won the battle but not the war. This virus has been mind boggling, a whole country’s economic engine on lock down for at least two or three months. Do not doubt American resolve though. The Chinese regime had better remember the fate of the Islamic extremist group al Qaeda and the Muslim ISIS jihadists. We will regain our economic sovereignty and remain the strongest military force in the world. Until then, my depression is now complete. I have ran out of names and must return to my isolation.
<![CDATA[Big Brother is Watching You]]>Tue, 05 Jan 2021 16:31:29 GMThttp://newevangelization.net/blog/big-brother-is-watching-youBig brother is watching you. Unfortunately, big brother in our case is not our national government. Big brother in this internet age has become Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook. We are living in George Orwell’s world of 1983, only the situation is 1000 times worse. Except in 2020, we are relinquishing our private identity to private companies, not Big Brother government. The information we are surrendering about ourselves to these private concerns would require search warrants if the federal or state governments desired to inquire into our lives to such an extent. Making matters more alarming, these five companies design their products to work in harmony with each other so that they can effectively capture every bit of data possible. And they share this information between themselves. Because of our connectivity, we are unwittingly giving our information freely without restraint. Everyone is attached to the internet in some form or fashion either through a smart phone, iPad, lap top or desktop computer. Even televisions are becoming more “connected.” These five companies track every move we make and store most of this gleaned information in huge databases. They store our locations, our phone calls, our text messages, our email messages, our internet browsing histories, our instant messages, our pictures and recordings, our vacations, our shopping trends, our business travel and even the documents we create. On top of that, they create Apps which access this information that collect even more detailed information. (Did you know that Microsoft has the “One Drive” which Windows forces the documents that you create to be stored in the Cloud?) They currently claim to use this information for business purposes such as advertising, but concerns persist. The real concern is with our information getting into the hands of bad actors. Evil foreign governments and hackers can probably get into any of the big five databases with a concerted effort. For example, the DNC servers were hacked during the 2016 elections. Even Hillary Clinton’s “secure” private server in her basement was hacked by foreign hackers revealing top State secrets. What is even more concerning is that they control the information we request to examine and search on the net. Facebook is accused of silencing people who differ from their political views and Google gives you the search results which it deems best, not necessarily what you may be looking for. If these companies want the internet to remain free, then they need to insure that the processes remain pure. Once tainted by human intervention, biases will always occur. Artificial intelligence will no doubt make matters worse. Measures need to be put in place by Congress to force these companies to reveal their data collection methods and install security measures for safety from attack. Congress then needs to limit the amount of data that they can collect and then limit the unrestrained dissemination of this information. Will inquires and regulations by Congress ever happen? Probably not. Every stinking politician receives huge campaign contributions from these companies to stay in office and the politicians refuse to make the necessary investigations. Why is Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook afraid to testify before Congress? Because they know regulation is inevitable and they are only prolonging the process. We can take small steps to protect ourselves. Turn unused Apps off. Always turn your computer and cell phone to airplane mode when not on the internet. Use search engines that do not track your data. Call your Congressman or Congresswoman for change or call Julia for sex and Winston Smith for a revolution.
​This aticle was initially posted on Medium March 25, 2020
