God’s revelation in the Garden of Eden was not without drama. Do you believe that Adam, while running around in the Garden of Eden, initially knew of the existence of God? In Genesis, the devil assumes that Eve knew of the existence of God because he tempts her with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The devil asks her about this command that God had given them. We therefore know that Adam and Eve knew God personally “God pronounced his blessing on them.” Genesis 1:28. Before their disobedience, they probably possessed a divine nature just as Christ, knowing nothing but good and completely sinless. Then there was a revelation, not of God but of the devil. Evil reared its ugly head and humanity was forever doomed, even to this day. God revealed to mankind the horrifying other self a human being can assume, a nature which is ungodly. Why would a loving God allow such a thing to happen? Free will in humans is a perplexing enigma. Unlike the obedient Christ, free will in Adam and Eve caused then to lose their divinity through their disobedience.
God’s revelation to Abraham occurred years after His revelation to Noah. Both were righteous men in the eyes of God. Abraham's father did not know the true God and neither did Abraham. However, one day the Lord God revealed Himself to Abraham and spoke with him. "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1-3. "I will make you into a great nation…and you will be a blessing…and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." In Genesis 15, God reveled Himself to Abraham during a deep sleep. In Genesis 18 God revealed himself to Abraham in the form of a man. I personally think it was Jesus who stayed with Abraham as the other two archangels destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
God spoke with Moses as a friend. “I will be with thee, God said to him.” Exodus 3:12. God’s revelation of Himself to the Egyptians was fruitless but it did reignite the burn for God within His chosen people, the Israelites. God did exhibit his power and authority with the ten plagues but Pharaoh still not did accept the omnipotence of God. The Egyptians were tested just as Adam and Eve were tested. Once they decided that their free labor source was more desirable than the riddance of constant pestilence, they took a bite of the forbidden apple so to speak. They chased at what the Israelites had to offer and lost. There struggle failed. The Egyptians were kicked out of the proverbial garden. They experienced death. We can only assume that the Israelites still believed in the one and true God. They left their homes and a relatively secure life in Goshen, even under slavery and burdensome conditions, to follow Moses to freedom. What were they freed from? Were they freed from the burdens of life? Were they freed from the punishment of God for Jacob’s and his families’ disobedience? They experienced many more burdens for forty years wandering in the desert with constant complaint than they received from their task masters. Or did they? Was all of these episodes of captivity, expulsion, punishment and freedom the result of God or were they random events praised by a conceited people who wanted to believe that one of the numerous gods in the then existing world wanted to lavish his bounty upon them to the exclusion of all the rest of humanity. Was the exodus just a random event in history used by the Hebrews to embellish themselves or was God involved?
We must make a choice that there is a God and only one or we must choose to believe that God does not exist at all. Most people seem to subsist somewhere in the middle never really making a decision. It seems that God will not force anyone to make the decision because He gave us free will. But sometimes a certain of his elect will be forced, just as Abraham and Jacob. Human kind has progressed from the condition of expecting help from Apollo, Poseidon and Zeus; Baal and Dagon; Re and Amon; Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Neptune; Adad, Nammu and Marduk. But human progression in revelation and wisdom has convinced us that if there is a God, there can be only one. So we are left with a choice to either believe in one God or none at all. Did the Akkadian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman gods reveal themselves to their worshipers? Why did not our one and true God of the Israelites not reveal Himself to the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans? Maybe He did and they were blinded and could not experience Him or they just refused to take heed as Pharaoh did. Evil has existed on this earth since the Fall. Yet God continually intervened to help humanity. But humanity keeps drifting farther away from God after each revelation. Revelation is a personal event that leads to a corporate experience. Pharaoh was blinded and his fight with God failed. Adam’s struggle with God failed. Luckily humanity has had some successes with Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, David and Solomon. But these successes were short lived until the appearance of Christ. The twelve apostles naturally believed because they were taught by the living God. But notice how personal revelation began to assume more power with Paul (Saul of Tarsus) and Constantine and the Church Fathers in the third and fourth centuries. Personal revelation has resulted in corporate obedience in a community throughout the ages but it seems to have peaked with Christ and is becoming less frequent today.
God has revealed Himself to me. Why me, a horrible sinner and a complete failure with Christianity, is questionable. Looking back in history, God has revealed Himself to people during major personal conflict and struggle. We can only assume that these life changing events are necessary to penetrate our stubborn free will. My revelation moment occurred when I lost the security of a job of twenty years. No, some strange voice did not speak to me nor do I encounter a burning bush. I met God in the depths of my depression at the gates of Hell. I was forced to turn to God for help. Even more amazing, I believe that God orchestrated the whole event. But His will prevailed. Consequently, here I am fully convinced that a higher power does exist and He is constantly revealing Himself to people, even today. Do you truly believe that a higher power controls humanity’s destiny? Isn’t it strange that the last book of the bible is entitled Revelation, when in fact the entire history of humanity has been progressing through an ever broadening awakening. I can only stand in awe for what the future will bring. God does work in mysterious ways.