have become a lost sheep on the side of the mountain unable to find your Sheppard and your home. You long for home and can see the path but just cannot quite figure out how to reach it. Your reliance on the doctrines of sola scriptoria and sola fides has prevented you from the vast tradition and knowledge and study and theology that brought you to the year 1500. You claim not to venture outside the four corners of the Bible and you take the words literally. I pity those of you who take Matthew 5:29, Matthew 18:8 and Mark 9:43 literally and cut off your hand for theft or gouge out your eye for lust. Funny I do not see many maimed Protestants walking around these days. Your entire history vanishes as if vaporized by hocus pocus of a magician. Your history begins at 3 B.C. and ends
around 100 A.D. and does not pick up again until around 1530 A.D. What a tired and confused group of Christians you make to disregard history simply to justify your existence outside the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.