The church prohibits and speaks out against homosexual acts because such acts are a violation of God’s laws. (The church is the enforcer of God’s laws on earth. If the church doesn’t enforce its own laws, who will?) Homosexuality is a sin just as murder, theft and adultery are sins. Should the church condone adultery just because a man or woman likes to sleep around with other partners during marriage? Should the church condone theft, just because someone likes to go around stealing other people’s goods? Should the church condone murder, abortion, the death penalty and euthanasia just because others like to go around taking the lives of others? The church is and must remain vigilant and speak out against all sin. Homosexual acts have been defined as sin by the church since the days of Christ. Even the Hebrew of the Old Testament forbid such acts. A Supreme Court ruling cannot redefine sin for the Church no matter how much legalese is used. Social norms from a depraved and sick society will never justify sinful acts. Truth is truth. Truth cannot be changed by the whims and fanciful musing of five morally confused individuals.
Should the church be forced to accept the violations of murder, theft, adultery and abortion just because someone enjoys to partake in these acts? I think not. Remember the church and Christ loves the sinner, but hates and despises their sins. If any church openly condones murder, theft, adultery, abortion and homosexuality, the church would no longer be a church but a prison. Society would no longer be civilized. I am sure many convicted murders, thieves, adulterers, and abortionists attend Mass on a daily basis around the world. And they should because God can and will forgive them of their sins. But these murderers, thieves, adulterers, and abortionists do not parade around within and without the church forcing non-sinners and the church to condone and accept these violations of God’s laws. Homosexuals will not either.