Obama promised hope and change in his election campaigns, but it was the vision of his hope and his change, not that of the American people. His change included ending the two wars, closing Guantanamo and creating a welfare state. His hope included a dole (handout) from the government for the “disadvantaged.” What his hope and change has achieved is chaos in the world and a country without jobs and half its citizens dependent on the federal government for survival. Usually presidents build on the progress made by preceding presidents. Obama ran the other way and dismantled all progress of prior generations. We now have global conflict around the world with people killing and blowing up people, even here in the United States, as if it were a duty to revolt against the system. Human hope depends on peace and security in your home and country and a good job with fair wages to support a family. His hope and change created just the opposite, no jobs and insecurity. Good jobs are created by businesses not by the government dole. Security is created by confidence in police authority and a strong and respected national defense. Obama’s hope and change is shameful. Obama lacks any class. He has been reduced to a political pawn and lap dog for the rich, white, anti-religious, liberal elite who would love to create a godless society with all its members dependent on government assistance. Obama and his cronies are too damned stupid to realize that they will be the first to be strung up and crucified when ISIS takes over the whole world. Let’s look at a lesson from history. Rome collapsed not only because of the vileness and incivility of its people but because of its form of government. Roman government became a behemoth and required more and more revenue to support itself. Roman authorities and its citizens became dependent on the wealth of its government. The size of the government and the number of people dependent upon it grew and grew until it collapsed upon itself under the weight of its insatiable greed. Our federal and state governments are designed the same way. No federal program or giveaway program is denied. Surely nothing is ever cut or reduced. It just keeps growing and growing until one day it will not be able to support itself and it will all come crashing down. But unlike the Romans who demanded and collected actual physical gold, we have a pile of debt- paper money- which keeps growing. Obama’s hope and change does not reflect the American pride and fortitude that existed when this country was first established. This sense of national pride and work ethic grew and grew until about the end of WW II. The 50s were the climax and the 60s began the slide. President Ronald Reagan kindled a spark but the fire quickly faded. I don’t have that feeling of pride in the USA and I don’t experience it in public or on TV anymore. We have become a “me, myself and I” culture. It’s all about how I feel, what can I get, and what can you do for me. When you don’t have a leader who can foster national pride or a Congress who can instill a sense of security in its constituents, you get what we have today, an attitude of indifference within a generation of politically and economically uninformed citizens. And you get a President like Obama who can prance around yelling for hope and change without defining it. Then we get a whole mess of hope and change leading us right down a path to destruction and collapse. I hope for change.
1 Comment
13/10/2015 00:27:49
Unfortunately, it usually happens that future presidents during the election process promise that, what people want, but after being elected forget about their promises. I do not believe politicians.
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