The Joy of Love
Becoming, and then, remaining a priest is a privilege not a right. The privilege carries with it great responsibilities including celibacy and total sexual abstinence, which also applies to married and civilly divorced couples. Divorce in the Catholic Church is allowed if a defect can be proven in the marriage. Any violation of the natural or divine law requires immediate termination of priestly privileges and marital vows for the sake of the sanctity of the Church. Scandal is prohibited in the Church. The accused has the burden of proving his innocence. He has no right of innocence until proven guilty, no right to trial, no right against self-incrimination and no property right. Unfortunately, the Church has taken upon itself 400 years of social relativism-old traditions, political designs and ideas of men seeking freedoms from tyrannical and oppressive laws in 15th century kingdoms following the Reformation. The Church is not a democracy or a republic. The church is an institution created by God for the flourishment of human endeavor. Divine law must rule within the Church, not man-made rights based on the natural law. Violation of divine law requires natural law consequences, immediate termination until one proves his own innocence.
Do not believe this article about the things you have just read. Read the documents yourself by a quick search on google. Can you see what deviation from the divine law does? It only brings in scandal, confusion, depravity and chaos. It weakens the foundation upon which the Catholic Church was built. It is always evil and can only cause strife and division. Speak up! Love heals all wounds. If the Church, which Christ started, falls into ruin, it is only your eternal soul that is in jeopardy.