Don’t believe me about the things you have just read. Read the documents yourself by a quick search on google. Can you see what deviation from the divine law does? It only brings in scandal, confusion, depravity and chaos. It is always evil and can only cause strife and division. Speak up. It’s only your eternal soul that is in jeopardy if the Church, which Christ started, falls into ruin.
The Catholic Church has been overtaken by homosexuals. I can still remember that famous question posited to Pope Francis on one of his early plane trips when a reporter asked him if women could become priests and if homosexuals could marry in the church. His answer was not a definite “no” to either question as I recall and left open the possibility of future scandal for the Church. Then in 2016 the Pope decided to publish his exhortation, Amoris Laetitia and so began the current schism among priests of the Catholic Church between the homosexuals and the celibate. In Amoris Laetitia, the Pope opened a can of worms. He stated that married and civilly divorced couples can receive the Eucharist in Mass and that the Church should freely accept and possibly extend the Eucharist to homosexuals. These two statements clearly go against 2000 years of established truths of the Catholic Church through revelation and tradition which holds the indissolvability of marriage and a complete prescription against homosexuality. Thereafter, Archbishop Chaput of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia immediately released “Pastoral Guidelines for Implementing Amoris Laetitia” which forbade divorced and civilly remarried heterosexuals and homosexuals, married or not, from receiving the Eucharist or taking part in the administration of Catholic Church functions. The issuance of the guidelines was immediately followed by four cardinals who signed a dubia addressed to Pope Francis. The five dubia were short and concise questions requiring “yes” or “no” answers from the Pope about these issues raised. Pope Francis never responded. In 2017 a Filial Correction of Pope Francis was signed by 62 scholars which stated that the Pope has “effectively upheld 7 heretical positions about marriage, the moral life, and the reception of the sacraments, and has caused these heretical opinions to spread in the Catholic Church.” Still the Pope remained silent. During Easter week of 2019 prominent theologians and philosophers within the Catholic Church issued an “Open letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church” which has accused the Pope of the crime of heresy based on 7 specific positions he has publicly and consistently taken since Amoris Laetitia and which are clearly against the magisterium. They demand that the Pope recant these heretical positions, or, in the alternative, that the bishops declare him a heretic and remove him from the Chair of Peter. The letter then switches gear and begins to list numerous priests, bishops and cardinals by name who have either been accused of homosexual activity and sexual assault or who have protected others accused of such crimes, and who have been placed in positions of authority at the Vatican. The letter also mentions the secret agreement of the Pope to allow the rulers of communist China to appoint Catholic bishops. (I wonder if Peter and Paul would have ever given Nero that authority.)
Don’t believe me about the things you have just read. Read the documents yourself by a quick search on google. Can you see what deviation from the divine law does? It only brings in scandal, confusion, depravity and chaos. It is always evil and can only cause strife and division. Speak up. It’s only your eternal soul that is in jeopardy if the Church, which Christ started, falls into ruin.
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