John 9:31-32 “And yet we know for certain that God does not answer the prayers of sinners, it is only when a man is devout and does his will, that his prayer is answered. That a man should open the eyes of one born blind is something unheard of since the world began.” This was the response from the Jews to the blind man whom Jesus restored sight. The Jews thought the blind man’s blindness was the result of his personal sins or that of his parents. The Jews had forgiveness backwards. They were sinners, everyone one, and the Jews could not recognize their sins because they supposedly lived in the “Law.” They preached that one had to be righteous and sinless before his prayers could be answered. Yet Paul proclaimed that it was the Law that blinded the Jews. They thought they were righteous yet they had cold hearts. The Law was not written on their hearts. The guilty are blind and cannot profess their guilt. Only when the guilty can see their sin, can they profess it and become free from sin and be forgiven. We are all sinners. God answers prayers of forgiven sinners. The Jews thought they were sinless but were fools. Are you a fool?
Trump said in the joint statement at the summit that he had complete confidence in his intelligence agencies and his NSA. He also stated that he has no confidence in an investigation started by Peter Strzok under Obama, and run by Mueller, an Obama appointee, staffed by a team of lawyers with obvious political bias in favor of Clinton and the democrats. Where are the DNC servers and Clinton's servers he asked and I ask again? Mueller does not have the resources available to his team as are available to the U.S. intelligence agencies. Did the Mueller team just make up these indictments because they know that this case will never go to trial? Putin will never allow the extradition of his 12 intelligence officers to the United States. Because of this fact, Mueller can make these allegations and he will never have to reveal this supposed electronic espionage by the Russians. Anyone can make allegations. No trial will ever be had. Rosenstein and Mueller know this. Mueller is just furthering this collusion narrative without the necessity of ever having to show the proof. Show us the evidence Mueller. Write a final report and shut down this charade.
Are U.S. tariffs on goods produced in other countries beneficial to the United States economy? We need to look at what tariffs accomplish for the country who levies them. Let’s say that an industry exists in the United States that produces widgets and our country wants to become the leading producer of widgets in the world. To help accomplish this goal, the U.S. levies a 25% tariff on widgets produced in all other countries who want to send widgets into the United States. Businesses in these other countries who produce widgets and attempt to sell them in the United States will have to raise their selling cost of the widget by 25% above production costs to break even. So they will probably decide that they will not produce widgets or just produce enough for local consumption. The widget industry remains relatively small in all other countries except the United States who has, in effect, cornered the market in widgets. Old economic theories state that the United States widget market should reach economies of scale, that is, they produce so many widgets that they can lower their production costs so that widgets can be produced real cheap. But economies of scale does not take into consideration demand for the widgets. If widgets are in high demand, there is no guarantee that the U.S. companies will pass on production cost savings to the buyers. In fact, these widget manufacturers may become greedy and increase the sale price of widgets in the United States and in other countries who decide not to produce them.
Let’s look briefly at another example. Let’s say that China wants to reach economies of scale in the computer chip industry and places a 50% tariff on computer chips produced in the United States and sold in China. China gets the selling price of a chip to one dollar because they have cornered the market. The United States may continue to produce computer chips but it costs U.S. companies two dollars to produce the same chip because of limited market share. Companies who use chips determine that they will buy chips made in China for one dollar instead of two dollars in the United States. The chip production industry in the United States slows and eventually dies out. China realizes that it now can increase the price of the chip to two dollars or even more since chips are no longer produced in the United States. Having no tariffs by any country achieves the best result. If tariffs did not exist at all in any country, the result will produce the lowest cost of production. No tariffs create and even playing field. If all countries produce widgets or chips within their own countries, each business has an incentive to produce the best chip or widget at the lowest cost. Buyers may have many choices and will seek the best deal. A large supply of widgets and chips will keep the price relatively low to satisfy the demand in the market. A free market in the long run will actually lower costs of production for chips and widgets because supply will be regulated by demand and not by tariffs. Economies of scale is a fallacy. It is a theory that holds true only if there was one buying market, i.e. not hundreds of different countries seeking to produce and sell its widgets or chips. If the whole world, i.e., all the countries in the world, were one market and one giant country per say, then economies of scale would work. One company would produce cars, and everyone in the world would buy cars from the car company who would sell cars at production costs. One company would produce computer chips and would be required to sell the chips at production costs. Companies would never have to show a profit, because they have no competitors. In theory there would be only one company in each industry that would produce and supply the whole world with its product at cost. But the world is comprised of hundreds of nations and thousands of companies. Individual political states create competition and stock exchanges. Competition causes price increase and fluctuation. Tariffs have a negative drag on economies of scale. I propose an economic system wherein each country produces all of its products and services within its boundaries and trade among and between countries is eliminated. Trade would occur between nations only when a nation cannot or does not have the necessary resources to produce a particular product. For example, Japan has no petroleum reserves. The world would create a market for petroleum because Japan would seek to purchase oil at the cheapest price. Markets are created only for natural resources or products which cannot be found or produced in every country. The problem with such a system is that there are not many natural resources or products that are available within every country especially the smaller countries. Production of goods and natural resources causes a vicious circle however. Markets for most goods and natural resources must exist because there are very few countries who can produce all of their own goods and natural resources. The result is our current free market system. In any event, tariffs should be banned worldwide. In the meantime, tariffs are good because they may cause other countries to reduce or remove the tariffs they charge on United States products and natural resources. In time, we will reduce or remove U.S. tariffs when we are treated more fairly. We must encourage free and reciprocal trade. China must stop its unfair trade practices. Today in the year 2018 a mass migration of people is taking place around the world. Migrants are moving from so called third world countries to the more affluent industrialized countries. This migration event has been taking place for some time now, maybe starting up to 20 years ago. Why are people migrating? Historically the main reason for migration had been religion. People left their countries and moved to America because she offered the new comer freedom to practice their religious beliefs. But today religion has become secularized and no one is really concerned about practicing religion must less migrating for that purpose. Some have argued that a silent jihad is taking place among the Muslims. Emigrants from Muslim nations are overwhelming the European nations to the extent that the problem has now become a crisis. The Muslims force cultural change on the hosts and their former Christian identity has become blurred. But the Central and South American migrants into the United States are mostly Christian, therefore their migration cannot be labeled a silent jihad. If the reasons for migration are not religious, the only other explanation must me economic. People move for financial reasons. But why do so many people leave Africa for Europe. One reason may be that jobs are more plentiful in Europe than Africa as well as in American than Central and South America. But another reason is the free economic benefits the European countries provide to these migrants. Many European countries provide monthly stipends and free medical insurance. Why would people not migrate if such free giveaways are handed out without a reciprocal work requirement? The United States incurs similar giveaways. She provides food stamps, Medicaid, free schooling, housing assistance, utilities assistance, free daycare and earned income tax credits. Many citizens of these invaded countries have had enough. Voices are being raised. Is it time for all of these migrants to go home and demand a better life from their leaders of their mother country?
Big brother is watching you. Unfortunately big brother in our case is not the Federal Government. Big brother in this internet age is Microsoft, Google and Facebook. We are living in George Orwell’s world of 1983, times 1000. Except in 2018, we are relinquishing our identity to private companies. This information we are surrendering to these private concerns would require search warrants if the Federal or State Governments desired to inquire into our life to such an extent. And these three companies design their products to work in harmony with each other so they can effectively capture every bit of data possible. Because of our connectivity, we are unwittingly giving our information freely without restraint. Everyone is attached to the internet in some form or fashion either through a smart phone, lap top or desktop computer. Even televisions are becoming more “connected.” These three companies track every move we make and store most of this gleaned information in huge databases. They store our locations, our phone calls, our text messages, our email messages, our internet browsing histories, our instant messages, our pictures and recordings, our vacations, our shopping trends, our business travel and even our documents we create. On top of that, they create Apps which access this information that collect even more detailed information. (Did you know that Microsoft has One Drive which Windows forces documents to be stored in the Cloud?) They currently claim to use this information for business purposes such as advertising, but concerns persist. The real concern is with our information getting into the hands of bad actors. Evil foreign governments and hackers can probably get into any of the big three databases with a concerted effort. For example, the DNC servers were hacked during the 2016 elections. Even Hillary Clinton’s “secure” private server in her basement was hacked by foreign hackers revealing top State secrets. What’s even more concerning is that they control the information we request to examine on the net. Facebook is accused of silencing people who differ from their political views and Google gives you the search results which it deems best. If these companies want the internet to remain free, then they need to insure that the processes remain pure. Once tainted by human intervention, biases will always occur. Artificial intelligence will no doubt make matters worse. Measures need to be put in place by Congress to force these companies to reveal their data collection methods and install security measures for safety from attack. Congress then needs to limit the amount of data that they can collect and then limit the unrestrained dissemination of this information. Will inquires and regulations ever happen? Probably not. Every stinking politician receives huge campaign contributions from these companies to stay in office and not make the necessary investigations. Why is Microsoft, Google and Facebook afraid to testify before Congress? Because they know regulation is inevitable and they are only prolonging the process. We can take small steps to protect ourselves. Turn unused Apps off. Always turn your computer and cell phone to airplane mode when not on the internet. And call Congress.
President Trump:
You should make a public statement about Mueller. Demand that he file his final report about Russian collusion and obstruction of justice by a certain date, say June 1. Also reveal that if his report is not filed by that date, his services will be terminated by you. His antics are creating a sideshow for you that has prevented you from governing. P.S. You must remove Rosenstien. He is an anti-Trumpier. Demote him. Why would you have an Obama holdover as number two in the Attorney General's Office? Command Sessions to replace Rosenstien. If Sessions doesn't, remove both of them personally. If anyone reads this post who is near the President, please give it to the President. President Trump:
Do you realize that you could have ended common core, even closed the Department of Education, funded the wall, put in place a permanent budget for the military, defunded grants to sanctuary cities and States and a whole host of your other campaign promises. Instead you have allowed Chuck Schumer to filibuster all of your goals. He and the Democrats are laughing at you. Eight votes in the Senate have blocked your agenda. And Mitch McConnell is taking part in this charade through the filibuster rule. This rule is preventing a majority of citizens through their duly elected Congressmen to have their will enacted. And you even appointed McConnell's wife as a Department head. Have you read lately (Peter Schweizer’s new book, Secret Empires) that McConnell, through his wife's family, has huge financial ties to the Chinese communist government? Threaten to cut McConnell's money train and he will eliminate the filibuster rule. You may have only nine month left to act or you will surely become a lame duck if things do not go well in November. Don’t buy the bait that the Democrats will use the elimination of the filibuster to run roughshod over Republicans. That can only happen if they ever gain control of both chambers and the presidency, all at the same time. We are (were) counting on you. Kent MAGA After the Republican Convention on July 21, 2016, the party nominated Donald Trump as its nominee for President of the United States. The Democratic Convention one week late on July 28, 2016 nominated Hilary Clinton after she stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders. Clinton became the odds on favorite to win the Presidency. All of the main stream media just knew that Donald Trump could never beat her in the general election in November. Another group who just knew that Hillary was a shoe in for the Presidency was all of the Obama appointees who were foaming at the mouth with the thought of eight more years in their jobs. These appointees were so confident that they began committing crimes, crimes that they knew would never be exposed with Hillary in the White House. Valarie Jarrett, Susan Rice and Samantha Powers were unmasking names from the Trump organization. In the meantime, FBI director James Comey and Andrew McCabe along with Loretta Lynch were using the fake Steele dossier to wiretap the Trump campaign. The plan was that after Clinton assumed her seat as President, they were going to skewer Trump and the Republican Party as Russian operatives. The only problem with their scheme was the impossible, a Trump win and a Republican in control of the executive. Thank God for the American electorate. Otherwise we would have never found out about the depths to which Hilary Clinton and her cronies can stoop. One final point. Hillary is the criminal, not Bill. Bill used his political positions to satisfy his sexual addition. He was not a criminal. On the other hand, Hillary began her criminal career at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas and has not let up since. Funny how everything she touches becomes infected.
It is amazing to see how the Bishop of Rome, our Pope Francis, is about to cave to a communist regime. There currently exist a spat between the Vatican and the government of China about who retains the right to appoint Catholic bishops in China. This fight has existed throughout the centuries between the various kings of Europe and the Vatican. In the end, just know that the Vatican won that fight. So let’s look even further back in history. Remember when Jesus sent out his seventy two disciples to announce the coming of the Kingdom. These seventy two all became bishops in the Catholic Church. And the apostles including mostly Paul, Peter and John appointed many bishops in the growing Church. Most Catholic priests and bishops can trace their anointing from the original bishops of the Church. The church always must appoint its bishops through the power of the Holy Spirit. If Pope Francis capitulates to these unholy demands of the atheist President Xi of China, I am afraid that no tradition will remain sacred within the Catholic Church. Which other countries shall demand the power to appoint their bishops- Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and South Africa? If the bishops go, so goes the Church. Next up gay marriage and Eucharist for mortal sinners. God have mercy on his soul, our confused Pope.
But for my master, I do the bidding of God. Sometimes I worry that my master is the devil. I cannot banish sin completely from my life. I want to do what is good but sin always seems to hang around. I do things, I say things and I think of things that are ungodly when I am in the privacy of my own consciousness. I am depraved. Am I destined for hell and do I believe in a false hope of salvation? I thought I was transformed by my conversion but I have drifted back to some old habits. Why does not this transformation take hold and become permanent? Why does the Holy Spirit come and go? I cannot find the answer even though wisdom has granted me her insights. I vacillate between the darkness and the light. God, please help me overcome this darkness. I see so much good in this world but I wonder if these good men also fight against the darkness as I do? Am I predestined for eternal damnation? Are some men predestined for eternal salvation? I cannot do the good that I want. Something keeps holding me back. Who is my master? Jesus is. Even though I fight against the devil, can I ever banish him completely from my life? Is good works the answer?
Kent MayeuxHusband, Father, Grandfather, Lawyer, Aspiring Writer and Apologist.(And Retired!) Archives
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