The second volume of the trilogy, The 14th Colony, will be out next year, 2025! Sorry for the delay.
Kent's new book, The 14th Colony, is now available on Amazon.
Kent Mayeux released his new book entitled "The 14th Colony" on September 1, 2018. The story is about a young Frenchman who comes to the New World in 1720 to find his independence in the Louisiana colony. Stay tuned.

Kent Mayeux's new book was just released on Amazon on January 17, 2015: An Amazing Spirit. Buy a copy today. A tool for the new evangelization.
We Catholics have started a new Evangelization. What does that mean? Well, we want to bring fallen away Catholics back into the Church, those Catholics that still believe in God, the Holy Spirit and/or Christ, but have become disenchanted with their Catholic faith for some reason. And why have so many Catholics fallen away from the Church? One reason is that many Catholics have not been taught their Catholic faith and they seek a Christian "high" from other places. They seek but do not find. They think that the Catholic Church does not have the answers, so they go to other denominations or those non-denominational mega churches. The real reason many fall away is that they do not want to accept the truths of the Catholic Church, or more importantly, they do not know what these truths are. Unfortunately, no church in this world will tell you what the truth is. You must find that answer out for yourself. I would like to encourage you to read, read the Church Fathers, the Bible, the Baltimore Catechism, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, my books. You must read to discover the truth. You will never gain a complete understanding by listening to others. If you don't like to read, start by attending a Small Christian Community in your parish Church. You may be surprised at what you find. You will find that Christ is alive in His Church. You will find that the Holy Spirit will enliven your soul if you ask. Once you fully believe in God and Christ and seek Them, then you will find the Holy Spirit. He will enter your soul and transform your life. You will regain the control of your life stolen by this secular culture and realize that the Catholic Church has been standing beside you all along in your earthly journey.
Amazing God, a book released by Kent Mayeux.
A Tool for the New Evangelization - Available in paperback on for $9 and as an ebook on kindle, nook, apple's ibooks and
google play for $2.99. Buy one today.
A Tool for the New Evangelization - Available in paperback on for $9 and as an ebook on kindle, nook, apple's ibooks and
google play for $2.99. Buy one today.
Christ said whoever eats My body will have new life. The Jews quarreled among themselves about eating someone's flesh. Many disciples of Christ fell away because such talk was strange to them. Don't we frown upon cannibalism even today? When Christ ascended into Heaven, He left two substances of Himself behind to confirm our belief in the Trinity, His corporeal body and His Spirit. In 2013 we can only touch, see, smell and taste the Eucharist through transubstantiation. Does the body and blood of Christ make you believe in Him? If not, you must find His Spirit.
Do you know where to look? The Spirit is alive on this earth. But you will never know the Holy Spirit until you come to believe in the Father and Son. Accept them and the Spirit will invade your soul and bring with it truth and knowledge. The truth will set you free, free your mind to experience God here on Earth today and free your soul from the clutches of the evil one so it can return to God at your physical death.
Do you know where to look? The Spirit is alive on this earth. But you will never know the Holy Spirit until you come to believe in the Father and Son. Accept them and the Spirit will invade your soul and bring with it truth and knowledge. The truth will set you free, free your mind to experience God here on Earth today and free your soul from the clutches of the evil one so it can return to God at your physical death.